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This website exists for two main reasons:

I am also using my website to archive specific websites.

Archived websites


Tweakguides was shut down by it's author (Koroush Ghazi) near the start of November 2019. My archive has been mostly constructed from the offline copy that he released shortly before the shutdown but reflects the condition of the website the day before it's shutdown (as opposed to the offline copy which was a week outdated). The archival effort is, at this time, still ongoing.


Sometime around 2019, NVIDIA decided to move all of the content they had on the domain to the main domain. In the process, they tried to set up redirects for all of the content to their new locations. However, I have noticed that there were some items that just went missing. Since much of this missing content was some useful tweak guides; I'm in the process of archiving the missing content I'm aware of here.

My creations

The following is a list of things I have created. Usually for video games but occasionally other areas as well.

The Elder Scrolls 2: Daggerfall

Unofficial Block, Location and Model Fixes for Daggerfall Unity

A mod dedicated to fixing the numerous bugs that exist in Daggerfall's Blocks, Locations and Models.

Full readme and download

Essays and debate arguments

This is a list of essays I have written as well as points I commonly use in my online debates.

Computing related

Why Firefox is better than Chrome

Valid CSS!

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