General Optimization
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General Settings
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Video Settings
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Resolution & Antialiasing
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Anisotropic Filtering
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Detail Presets
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Texture & Radial Blur Quality
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Shadow Detail & Decal Quantity
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FXAA & Water
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Object & Actor Fade
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Grass & Specularity Fade
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Light & Item Fade
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Object Detail
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Advanced Tweaking
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.ini Tweaks, Part 2
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.ini Tweaks, Part 3
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.ini Tweaks, Part 4
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Console Commands
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Mods & Graphics Driver Settings
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Note that this is an archived copy of the original article. Please see here for a more detailed explanation.
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Please note that I have absolutely zero control over this comment section. It is still administered entirely by Nvidia themselves. I have no moderation power whatsoever and don't necessarily endorse any of the comments posted here. In fact, I don't believe this comment section adds much value to the article to begin with but included it only because it existed on the original.